Collection: Energy Clearing Sprays

Oia Energy Clearing & Room Sprays

Oia Essence' sprays are powerful essence blends that help to address and connect one to the spiritual aspects of self and one's surroundings. Sometimes we all encounter, go through and experience things in life that we can't really explain. At times these things are more supernatural and spiritual in nature. Those experiences can be connected to past lives, soul contracts, negative thought patterns, emotional conflicts, ancestral and or generational trauma, negative energies and or entity attachments that sit in one's energy field. Also, they are more energetically and spiritually connected.

These essences give that extra help to one, so that one can tap into a deeper aspect of one's intuition, higher-self, a greater connection with their spirit guides, their galactic collectives, field of Christ consciousness and beings of light, high frequency and higher dimensions. These essences also help to clear out stuck and dense energies, so that they do not sit in our energy fields.

Sometimes, we just need a little help and guidance and these essences have a beautiful way of providing that and creating the space for one to really go within. May the Soul Creations essences help you to create the space to connect to your divinity, walk your path and be your true on-purpose self as a sovereign being of light.